Friday, August 30, 2002

You lucky lucky dogs

Arnold Arre's After Eden is available at the 2002 Philippine Book Fair (Megatrade Hall, 5/f SM Megamall) from August 31 to September 8. Book signing on September 7. Also available at the Adarna office at 73-a Scout Limbaga St., Bgy. Laging Handa, Quezon City (near Don Henrico's Tomas Morato).

I suppose one night they just found themselves in the lab with nothing to do. So they got the IBM 1403 printer to play "Raindrops Keep Falling On Your Head". Is that so wrong?

Yeah, but. Does Eminem have a blog?

High 75. Low 62. Yey. Nice clear skies for Labor Day week-end, so far. And I'm going away.

"On a train heading east of here. Where I'll end up I'm not quite clear..." - Hear, Moonpools and Caterpillars

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Eleven, my ass

One year ago today, I hopped on a plane to New York and grew up.

"I don't mind the weather. I've got scarves and caps and sweaters..." - Blacking Out the Friction, Death Cab for Cutie

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Well hello there, world

Ach, what am I doing, blogging at 10 pm? I have a self-imposed curfew. Am supposed to be in deep sleep by 11 pm if I want to wake up early enough to get a decent breakfast. Otherwise, I'll be too sleepy, tired, and hungry to walk farther than Starbucks for lunch and/or dinner, whereupon I shall get the current frappuccino hybrid, which will make me stay up later than 10 pm. And the vicious cycle goes on.

My bored friend Lee reminded all of us to, "like your first program", say hello to the world. Ha! While searching for a link, I came across a Hello World program in Brainf*ck.

Watch Quark pull this off.

"La la la doo bee doo bee doo..." - Gordon's Gardenparty, The Cardigans

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Into your arms

Yep. Twenty-two. That I am. I always get cranky during the weeks surrounding my birthday. Well, at least this year and last I was. Yes, I know, it's not like you suddenly get one year older on that day. It's a day-by-day process; you get older one day at a time. It's bound to happen. It's inevitable. There's just something depressing about making it official.

Personally, I wouldn't want a douchaise or a hipster and I'm not a water door kind of person, but isn't this Fresh as A Daisy hand soap just charming? If you don't think so, go look elsewhere.

Aaaarggghh!!! Two words: Evan. Dando. I wanna go! I wanna go!

Boldst*r, Bodge's boyfriend's band, just released an album. It's called, "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Something/What Are You...Really?" I don't have the album yet, as it's only available in the Philippines. But if you're anywhere near Manila, you must get a copy.

"And people never do what they want to..." - Out There, The Blake Babies

Sunday, August 11, 2002

Wise men know best

When I was one-and-twenty

I heard a wise man say,

"Give crowns and pounds and guineas

But not your heart away;

Give pearls away and rubies

But keep your fancy free."

But I was one-and-twenty

No use to talk to me.

When I was one-and-twenty

I heard him say again

"The heart out of the bosom

Was never given in vain;

'Tis paid with sighs a plenty

And sold for endless rue."

And I am two-and-twenty

And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true.

- When I Was One-and-Twenty, A.E. Housman (1859-1936)

Friday, August 9, 2002

This place that is no place

Hi. Just got back from a hang-over from reading this book. All week long I've been walking around feeling like I got hit by a giant ice cream truck. Like the central character of his novel, Murakami has a way with words. Lingering effect, eh?

"Yeah, it's strange, but what's so strange about that?..." - Strange, Built to Spill